The Amen Method represents a true paradigm shift in optimizing and healing the brain. Brain health coaches who are trained with the Amen Method believe it is critical to look at your brain within the context of your life.

The Amen Method integrates all 4 circles of your life, that is:

This method also takes into account results from:

As a brain health coach, the Amen Method provides me with a deep understanding of how your brain works, enabling me to target services and coaching specifically tailored to your brain and situation.

The FOUR CIRCLE Approach


With the Amen Method, we want to know about your genetics, overall health, diet, exercise, and any history of brain injury or exposure to toxins.


We’ll explore your thinking patterns and ask if you had any significant developmental events or emotional traumas in the past.


We’ll ask about your relationships with friends and family, if you have a lot of stressors, if you spend time with others that support you or put you down, and if you feel isolated.


We want to know why you care, what’s important to you and what gives you a sense of meaning and purpose in life.

If SPECT imaging is not an option for you, with the Amen Method’s extensive questionnaires on brain types, as a Brain Health Coach and Registered Holistic Nutritionist, I am trained to support your brain type with a targeted nutrition plan, lifestyle interventions and nutraceuticals. With this holistic approach to health, we can support your brain type, improve its health and reserve.

What you eat on a daily basis intimately affects your brain. All of your feel-good hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and GABA, are made in your gut. That is why we call your gut your second brain. This is also why food is the foundation to our approach. An unhealthy gut leads to inflammation of your body and brain. As a nutritionist I am trained to support you in this journey.

Who is Dr. Amen?

Dr. Daniel G. Amen, MD is a physician, clinical neuroscientist, double board certified psychiatrist, brain imaging expert, television producer and nine-time New York Times best-selling author. He is the Founder and Medical Director of Amen Clinics in 8 different cities across the Unites States. 
Amen Clinics have the world’s largest database of functional brain scans relating to behavior, totaling nearly 90,000 scans on patients from 111 countries.

Your brain is unique! Learning about your brain type, and knowing which areas of your brain may be affected are critical to understand, so you are empowered with the knowledge you need to help support your brain effectively.